5 Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Have you ever felt insecure about the way your smile looks? We all have felt self-conscious at some point in our lives, especially over our physical appearance. Teeth, in specific, can say a lot about a person, whether it’s about their habits, their diet or even the way they take care of themselves. So it’s understandable why you can feel self-conscious if you’re suffering from a dental problem that can compromise the aesthetic aspect of your smile. Don’t worry though, there’s a solution for you just around the corner. You just need to look for a dentist that offers porcelain veneers in Orlando. A dentist trained in cosmetic dentistry will explore the options available for you and your specific situation. Keep reading if you want to learn a few benefits of obtaining dental veneers.

1. It’s a completely safe procedure

To acquire dental veneers, your dentist will only have to remove a very thin layer of enamel. The removal of enamel is very conservative compared to the preparation required for those receiving dental crowns or bridges. This is one of the reasons why veneers are considered noninvasive. Some people don’t even need anesthetic for this step.

2. They immediately increase your self-esteem

There’s nothing better than to smile proudly. At the end of the procedure, you will leave your dental office in Orlando looking and feeling amazing. However, the process might take a couple of visits. First, your dentist will remove the thin layer of enamel from the front side of your teeth. This will create room to properly bond the veneers, making them look natural and preventing a bulky appearance. Then they will take an impression of your mouth to send it to the dental lab that will create the veneers which will blend seamlessly with your remaining natural teeth. Temporary veneers will be placed to protect your teeth while the permanent restorations are being constructed.

3. They’re a good solution for cracks and discoloration

Dental veneers are a great option to deal with simple cosmetic problems in your smile such as discoloration, cracks, and gaps between your teeth. Schedule an appointment at your dental clinic in Orlando to determine if you are a suitable candidate to receive veneers.

4. They’re easy to maintain

You still need to uphold a good oral routine if you have veneers—brushing twice a day and flossing like you would with natural teeth. However, one big upside of dental veneers is that they are more resistant to stains and cavities. Remember that you still need to visit your dentist in Orlando for periodic checkups to keep them shiny and healthy. If you have any questions about modifications to your oral hygiene and care, you should inquire about porcelain veneers near you. Dental offices in your area can provide the information you need on this subject.

5. They are resistant

If you take proper care of your teeth, practice good oral habits and are mindful about your diet, your veneers can last you for many years. They can last up to a decade if you avoid chewing on anything hard regularly. In addition, you must refrain from drinking dark beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine, and coke. Also, the frequent consumption of alcoholic drinks has been proven to deteriorate the bonding material that attaches the veneers to your teeth, so leave alcohol only for special occasions. Lastly, you will need to quit smoking as using tobacco in any form is highly detrimental for your oral health and overall health. Learn how porcelain veneers can transform your smile and your life by scheduling an appointment at your dental office in Orlando.

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