Can I Still Get Veneers in Time for Summer?

Can I Still Get Veneers in Time for Summer?

If you’re like most people, instead of focusing on your overall appearance you tend to be laser focused on that one flaw you notice when you look in the mirror. This is especially true for issues with your smile.

You know the flaw is there and it bothers you, even though your friends say it’s no big deal. Are you ready to finally capture your best smile? Would you like to do it in time for summer? Dr. Marcano here at Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry recommends you think about veneers.  

What are veneers?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment option. Veneers are thin pieces of tooth-colored porcelain that enhance smiles by covering up tooth flaws, providing the ultimate smile enhancement.

Veneers are particularly useful in addressing issues for the front eight teeth that show when you smile. Dental veneers are tailor made for each patient to address their particular issue and to fit and match the neighboring teeth. They’ll look so much like your natural teeth that most people won’t be able to tell the difference.

Does this sound a little like the work of a Hollywood makeup artist? Veneers have roots back in the late 1920s in Hollywood when California dentist Charles L. Pincus, DDS, fixed teeth imperfections for stars like Judy Garland, Shirley Temple, and James Dean.

A smile makeover in two appointments

Once you decide to tackle your teeth imperfection, the last thing you want to do is wait. That’s one of the pluses about veneers – there’s very little waiting involved. In fact, between your dentist’s visit and the dental laboratory, you can get the amazing smile you always dreamed of in a couple weeks.

At Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we typically perform veneer treatment in two appointments spaced a week or two apart. At your first visit, Dr. Marcano does an oral exam, checks out your dental health history, and asks about your treatment goals. He then takes X-rays to make sure your tooth roots, gums, and jaw are healthy. If Dr. Marcano finds issues with crooked teeth, gum disease, or cavities, he may recommend taking care of those issues prior to installing your veneers. 

If everything checks out, Dr. Marcano moves on to prepare your affected teeth to get veneers. First he administers a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable, and preps the teeth by shaving or removing a thin layer of enamel from each tooth that will receive a veneer. 

Then Dr. Marcano takes a series of digital impressions and does color matching. He sends this data to a dental laboratory that fabricates your custom veneers. In about a week, your veneers come back from the lab and you return to Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry for your second and final appointment. Dr. Marcano bonds the veneers to your teeth with dental cement. He completed the process by trimming any excess material, polishing your teeth, and evaluating. You leave the office with the smile you always wanted.

Address a variety of teeth flaws

While getting the smile you always wanted in two appointments is great, the number of issues veneers can address is equally impressive. In addition to providing the perfect cover up for slightly crooked teeth, your dental provider may use dental veneers for a wide variety of teeth imperfections including: 

Looks great and lasts a long time

The pluses of dental veneers don’t stop with being a quick way to address a wide variety of dental flaws. Sure they look great and make you almost forget what they’re covering, but they also can last a long time. Simply follow a dental hygiene care routine for your veneers like you do with your natural teeth. You’ll also want to break those bad habits like chewing on ice or biting into hard foods. Like natural teeth, veneers are vulnerable to staining, so try to avoid eating and drinking tooth-staining foods and beverages like red wine, coffee, tea, and blueberries.

If you’re ready to capture your best smile and want to learn if veneers are right for you, contact the Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry and schedule an appointment by clicking the online booking tool or calling or texting the office today.

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