Tips for Maintaining the Results of Teeth Whitening

Whether you brightened your smile with an at-home kit or went for a professional session, your gleaming white teeth took time, effort, and money. And it was worth it. The newfound confidence alone justifies whatever you spent — the head turns and compliments are just icing on the cake. 

If you haven’t ever whitened your teeth, now’s your chance to find out how it can shave years off your age and boost your self-esteem. Jose Marcano, DMD and his team at Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry use the Zoom whitening system to bring you the best results possible. In just a few hours, we transform your yellow, aged teeth into a youthful bright smile. But before you leave, here are a few tips for maintaining your new look.

Manage your expectations

Knowing what to expect from your teeth whitening experience helps you understand what’s normal and what’s not in the days and weeks following your whitening session or sessions. 

Your teeth are at their whitest and brightest immediately after your treatment. Afterward, you may notice a small degree of ivory coming back into them. This is normal and helps your teeth look more natural, yet still radiant.

Rinse your mouth out

To keep your teeth from taking on new stains, rinse your mouth out with water after every meal if possible. This is especially important if you’ve eaten anything with intense coloring. The longer it stays in your mouth, the more chance it has of ruining your new white teeth. If you’re at a restaurant, excuse yourself and go to the restroom for a quick swish and spit.

No water available? Grab some gum and chew away the stains — sugar-free, of course.

Avoid the things that cause stains

There’s a long list of things that stain your teeth. Among them are aging and medications. You obviously can’t stop time from passing, and you likely can’t stop taking the medications you need to stay healthy. But you can avoid the foods and drinks that soak into your enamel and make your teeth dingy and yellow. 

Here are a few of them:

Brush right and brush often

You know that brushing and flossing twice a day is the recommended routine for keeping your teeth free from excess bacteria and plaque. If you want to really keep your teeth clean and bright, brush after every meal, but make sure you’re doing it right.

You might think that there’s nothing left to learn about brushing your teeth after a lifetime of practice, but you might be surprised. 

First, make sure you’re using a soft-bristled toothbrush. It may seem logical to use a hard brush to really get your teeth clean, but in reality, the hard bristles can damage your enamel. 

Second, don’t apply too much pressure. Use a light hand and gentle strokes to protect your teeth and gums while cleaning them.

Don’t skip your cleanings

Your twice-a-year cleanings are essential to maintaining your new teeth whitening job. Every six months is ideal for your hygienist to identify any new stains and get rid of them before they become too set and stubborn. 

In addition, we may send you home with a maintenance kit so you can address stains as they happen.

If you’ve recently whitened your teeth or are ready to try it, call us for an appointment or schedule one online. There’s no time like the present to find out how much younger and better you’ll feel with whiter teeth.

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