Why Clear Aligners Might Be Your Answer to Straight Teeth

Why Clear Aligners Might Be Your Answer to Straight Teeth

In the not too distant past, a vast majority of the patients who got braces were children, and metal braces were the go-to for straightening teeth. You remember traditional metal braces, right? The uncomfortable wires, the rubber bands, the headgear, and the embarrassment? Like it wasn’t hard enough being a kid navigating the awkward school-age years.

Fortunately, in the past two decades, the landscape of the orthodontics industry changed dramatically. More and more adults never tackled misaligned teeth as children wanted to do something about their smile, and they didn’t want to broadcast it visibly. That’s where clear aligners come in.

In this blog, our own Dr. Marcano here at Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry shares his experiences with helping patients get the smile they always wanted using clear aligners. Find out why clear aligners might be your answer to straight teeth.

How clear aligners work

Since the 1990s, as the interest in enhanced orthodontic treatment plans for adults and later for teens grew, so has the number of companies who entered the clear aligners market. At Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we are specially trained to offer our patients the ClearCorrect aligner system.

ClearCorrect received its Food and Drug Administration approval in early 2009. It has helped dentists and orthodontists help hundreds of thousands of patients. Although there are slight nuances between the different clear aligner systems, the premise is the same. Patients use a set of several clear custom trays or mouthpieces to apply gentle pressure to move their teeth in the desired position according to their dentist’s treatment plan. 

Effective and discreet

The initial step is to determine if the patient is a good candidate for clear aligners. We conduct a thorough oral examination, take your dental history and learn more about their goals for treatment and take X-rays, if needed. If everything checks out, we’ll proceed with making a digital impression of your mouth with an intraoral scanner. We upload this data to a CAD or computer-aided design program to create a custom treatment plan that serves as a step-by-step guide to the desired movement of your teeth. Once this mapped-out plan is finalized, the information goes to a dental laboratory, which creates your sets of clear aligners and your treatment plan.

Throughout your treatment, you’ll return to our office every few weeks for checkups to track your progress and to switch to a new set of aligners. Although the number of aligners may differ from patient to patient depending on their treatment plan, what doesn’t change is that each patient now has a discreet, effective alternative to traditional braces. No metal mouth and straight teeth? Yes, please.

Convenient and comfortable

If you’re looking for a braces option that offers comfort and convenience, clear aligners may be just the thing. You won’t have to deal with the seemingly endless battle between metal wires and messy wax. Plus, since you can take the trays out, you won’t have to worry about food getting stuck in your braces, and brushing and flossing will be a breeze. Simply wear your clear aligners for 22 hours each day, and you’ll be on your way to beautiful straight teeth in no time. 

Shorter treatment time and fewer appointments

Another great perk of clear aligners is that compared to traditional braces, treatment time is shorter and typically requires fewer appointments. We find that treatment plans take anywhere from six to 12 months. * For many adults, it may have taken years to finally get to the point of doing something to straighten your teeth and get your dream smile. The last thing you want to do is wait a little longer.

If you have been wondering whether clear aligners are right for you, contact us at Orlando Center For Cosmetic Dentistry to request a consultation. Schedule an appointment by clicking the online booking tool or calling the office today at 407-855-1471.


* Individual results may vary.

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